Daily devotions


Headlines week 29

'Instant churches' convert public schools to worship spaces
USA Today - "Every Sunday morning, the elementary school in Queens, like dozens more schools in New York City and thousands more nationwide, is transformed into a house of worship for a few hours."

Russian President Medvedev Signs Pro-Life Bill on Abortion Risks
Lifenews. com - "President Dmitry Medvedev signed into law Thursday a measure that informed women of the risks associated with an abortion prior to her having one. Russia has some of the highest abortion rates in the world, with some women having as many as six or more abortions, and the risks associated with abortions such as increasing the risk of breast cancer or premature birth in subsequent pregnancies, needs to be made known."

Harry Potter Theology, the Bible and Witchcraft
Christian  Post Blogs - "Danielle Tumminio, a Yale University lecturer who teaches “Harry meets the Bible” and Episcopal priest recently spoke with CNN's Kyra Phillips about the connections between the "Harry Potter" series and faith. She describes witchcraft as a gift that can be used for good or evil. The Potter series according to Danielle,  is said to teach "good" witchcraft and guides us to ask questions of ultimate meaning."

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