Daily devotions


Why should we wear uniform? Part three

I believe the Salvation Army has a very unique commission. There are many denominations within the universal Christian church and we are all brothers and sisters. However siblings may not always be similar, either in appearance or personality. The Salvation Army's commission is to be an army that proffers salvation; a Salvation Army.

Jesus said: "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. " (John 3:16 NIV). Jesus does not want anyone to perish, and so he raised up an army of people whose mandate is to save the people from being lost; a Salvation Army.

I believe in the Salvation Army's mission! People who let themselves be seized by the vision of an army that marches steadily onward to save people. People who are not ashamed of what we are; marching boldly without fear in uniforms and flags and all the trappings that belong to an army. An army that does not try to imitate any of its siblings, but one that’s confident and daring in his own identity. An army that is not a poor imitation of some other church, but dare to be what it is commissioned to be.


1 comment:

  1. One thing about a uniform...you can serve in it. It is not just a decoration on the wall. A very practical sign of an inward change of repentance.
