Daily devotions


InterFaith - The Devil's End Time Strategy

From Omega Times
"Jesus said in John 14:6, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." In the plainest language Jesus is saying that no-one can come to God, unless it be through the shed Blood of the Lamb of God, who died on Calvary, in whom man might be set free of sin and reconciled to the Father. That’s basic Gospel! Furthermore, this statement is either true or false. If true, and I wholeheartedly believe it is through overwhelming weight of evidence, then there is no compromise, or dialogue to be had with those in error, other than to evangelise them....
....Compromise is a disgusting thing, especially in a spiritual sense. If you don’t stand for something, you’ll put up with anything. This is a by-product of a Laodicean Church spirit, where lukewarmness allows the world to go by and enemies to arise against the Church, with no heart or strength to oppose it. Which reminds me – I haven’t heard Onward Christian Soldiers sung for years. I wonder why?

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