Daily devotions


Brengle writes about Railton - Part 6

This is my sixth and last blogpost from the book "Dearest Lily", which consists of the correspondence between Samuel Brengle and his wife Lily.

After the successful time in Norway it seems as if the time in Denmark was filled with obstacles. Brengle is complaining about the small amount of people coming to the meetings, the bad beds in his accommodations and finally Bregnle gets very ill and cannot have meetings for several months.

In one of his letters from Denmark Brengle writes about Commissioner Georg Scott Railton:

"..I have a letter, a regular brain.teaser from Railton. He had a lot of confessions to make me and wants me to condemn him. He agrees with me in my doctrine of the Holy Spirit, but thinks we should not mention the Holy Spirit to simple people. He does not. And now in SE Europe among jews and Mohammedans he feels he must not mention Jesus, since Jesus and the Father are one, as it only prolongs the schism caused by Paul. And then he wonders why God does not give him results such as Finney saw! He emasculates the gospel and then wonders why it is barren. He doesn´t dare to lift up Jesus and the wonders why people are not drawn unto him. He avoids the offense of the Cross and wonders why he hasn´t power. He feels that God is using me in a wonderful way, and wonders if he and others are unconsciously hindering the Lord from using them in a like manner. His letter teases me. I want to anser it, at once, but I am to weak. He is a dear fellow."


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