Daily devotions


"My heart's desire and my prayer"

One of my reports from the Congress in Prague has been translated into English on fsaof.blogspot.com.

You can read it here:

Report from the Prague Congress, Friday October 12, 2012

Friday in Prague was an intense day. It began with General Linda Bond joining the conference sessions and speaking to the delegates. Then there was a grand reception at the British Embassy where ambassadors from the European countries were invited. Unfortunately the Latvian ambassador did not attend, but many of the diplomats were presented to his country's Salvation Army representative.

In the evening it was time for the opening ceremony and meeting. More than a thousand participants came and filled the large conference hall. The General spoke on Paul's words from Romans 10:1
- "Brothers and sisters, my heart’s desire and prayer to God (for the Israelites) is that they may be saved"

Linda Bond spoke passionately about her own dreams and aspirations. She said:

"My dream and desire is that we be:

-an army with dynamic worship. A deep and transformative worship.

-an army that boldly testify of Jesus.

-an army with a vibrant prayer life.

-an army with a community where they can grow. Spiritual growth of each member is a must.

-an army where the soldiers are soldiers and not only called soldiers.

-an army with a strong holiness preaching that leads to that you can see God's work in and through each member.

-an army that focuses on men to be saved

-an army that is at war with the devil and evil in the world "

Peter Baronowsky

Regional Commander


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