Daily devotions


A letter to former officers...

Major Stephen Court writes in his blog  (25/6) a letter to former Salvation Army Officers which is worth reading. Also for us who are still Officers so we do not forget who we are and why we are who we are:

"Greetings in Jesus' name.  Mercy and peace to you from God our Father.
 I trust the battle progresses well on your front.

I'm writing former officers for whom return to officership is a
technical possibility (I suspect there are a handful of FSAOs excluded
by policy, etc.).

Come back.

Every honourable reason that prompted you to sign up in the first
place remains.

There are billions headed to hell.

The Salvation Army has the infrastructure, the network, the
credibility, the experience, some of the resources to win the world
for Jesus.

Politics, mistreatment, bad appointments and leaders, fatigue, and
other reasons for leaving pale in comparison with both the need and
the potential.

The Army doesn't need me and it doesn't need you, either.  But it
provides for you and me both a field for fighting that, when embraced
wholeheartedly and exploited supernaturally, is incomparable.

We could get into covenant and covenant blessings and all of that.
But I don't want to guilt trip anyone.  Instead I'll take a page out
of the perennial US presidential campaign playbook (paraphrasing) and
ask, is your life better since you left?

I'm not asking if you have more peace of mind, more freedom, easier
work schedule, more friends, a more accepting attitude, more perks and
pleasures, more popularity, or anything like that.  I'm asking if your
life, dead to sin and alive to Christ, is making as big a kingdom
impact today as it could be in the officer corps?  Even the great
evangelist Gypsy Smith saw fewer converts/year outside of the Army
than in, so I'm guessing the affirmative answer will be rare.

If by these measures your life is not better, let's get you back in as
soon as possible.

I understand that there is a current commissioner who was 'out' for a
decade so there is precedent for wide open opportunity upon your
return.  Let's test the precedent.

God bless The Salvation Army.

Stay close to Jesus.  Much grace.  Believe me to be,

Yours under the Blood,
Stephen Court

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