Daily devotions


Final Reply to Exchange with Mackan Andersson on homosexuality and the Bible

First and foremost Mackan, you wrote suggesting my response to your last comment reflected certain disrespect. If you see me as disrespectful I apologize. It's certainly not my intention.

As I pointed out earlier, I have the utmost respect for you. But I have no respect for the way in which you interpret the Bible. It is quite impossible to translate a text from one language to another without losing some meanings and adding some new ones. If one reads the Bible with this as the premise, one cannot be certain of anything. There are alternative ways of translating every single verse in the Bible, and there is not a single expression in the Bible that one cannot assert as having a slightly different connotation in the original (foundational) text.

 You write that in many Bible translations when writing about homosexuality it's not at all certain that homosexuality is the intended subject. You write; ‘the word is not in the original text.

It may be a completely accurate proposition. However, the reason that many leading Bible translations, both Swedish and international, stand (hold to the word) on homosexuality, is that the linguists who translated the Bible consider that it is clearly the most reasonable interpretation. And why should one try to find less reasonable interpretations when there are more reasonable alternatives.

In the Swedish Bible 2000 the word homosexuality isn’t found. Instead they have chosen to translate it with the words, "men who ‘sleep’ with other men" (I Corinthians 6:9) and "men laying with men" (I Timothy 1:10). Even if one does not use the word homosexuality, they surely say the same thing but with different words.

I can, of course, be totally wrong, but I get the impression every time I read those bible interpretations that their interpretation stems from (builds) from what they feel the Bible ought to say, and trying to find justification for the position to make the message of the Bible a little more politically correct.

Incidentally, I still have respect for you and wish you every blessing in your important mission to proclaim the Word.

Peter Baronowsky, Lt.

Regional Commander
SA Latvia

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