Daily devotions


Headlines week 4

Defending Truth Without Compromise
Charisma News - "The most frequent objection of those who fear the presence of believers in government is, "What right do you have to impose your morals on us?" Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council tells them, "The same right you have to impose your lack of morals on us."
Someone's values will always be reflected in public policy. Almost every government policy decision is a value judgment. In this postmodern world, where moral relativism is the philosophy of choice, these value judgments are often based on the conditions of the moment rather than objective, transcendent, biblical truth. This is where the two sides diverge

About uniforms
Patrik Oltermann in FSAOF - "The uniform has been defined as a prophetic robe (the prophetic view of ourselves and others that we have made ourselves available in the war). The uniform has also been described as a sacrament (an outward sign of an inner grace). These aspects are vitally important and should not be lost. But they are only meaningful aspects of uniforms (whether it be a parade, work or field uniform) if it is worn outside the corps’ walls. Moreover, it is only meaningful if the uniforms as a external sign is followed by an inner grace."

The "Right Time" Is Now
Greg Laurie, devotion - "Though she was raised in a Christian home, my mother rebelled against God for most of her life. And whenever we got into any serious discussion about life or its meaning or the afterlife or God, she would always say, "I don't want to talk about it."
One day, she was very ill, and I felt especially impressed to go and have a conversation with her. So I went to see her. I said, "I want to talk to you about your soul, and I want to talk to you about the meaning of life and what happens after we die.

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