Guest blogger: Sven Ljungholm. Meet Sven Ljungholm in a series of articles. This is the sixth and the last part.
Sven was leading an air company many years before he became a Salvation Army officer. He served in USA, Sweden and as one of the pioneers when the Salvation Army restarted its work in Eastern Europe.
The Pillars of St Paul is where Paul was flogged and had 39 lashes by the governor of Paphos because of Paul believing in, and following Christ. The governor later relented and became a Christian himself!
I visited Cyprus 11 times during my last 4 years living in Russia. And, the pillars of St. Paul became a special and holy place to meditate for me. I was often the only visitor. My spirit sought to grasp and emulate that which enabled Paul to press on; to never give up. Undoubtedly it was a trial that, by living through it, made Paul even stronger and prepared his mind for the next onslaught.
You have heard it said, and experienced it, as I have. In seeking to identify some year of the past that might qualify as the best I believe we'd discover that the best years were those in which we learned to lean on God, seeking His strength in our resolve to never give up. It was in the pressing on that we grew.
St. Paul gives us many assurances, promises we and other Christ followers have taken to heart for almost 2,000 years, a favourite being. “Be renewed in the spirit of your mind”. It is in the present passive infinitive, which from the Greek translates, “Go on being renewed every day,” and since it’s in the passive, it’s something that’s done to us rather than something we achieve.
How do we combine these two faculties then — the spirit and the mind? Many new and even more mature believers wonder what is the spirit of the mind? A favourite preacher some years ago (Lloyd Ogilvie) defined it this way; "Well, if the mind is the seat of the intelligence, the thinking brain, and if the spirit is the point of contact of the spirit of God with our spirit, then the spirit of the mind is the way the Living Christ enters into and channels His power in the thinking process of our life." That’s why I say we can have a new mind every morning.
I shared another favourite in an earlier blog article, also from the Apostle Paul said, “Have in you this mind which was in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 2::5. And in Romans 12, he writes (Christians/Saints) Do not be conformed into this world’s ideas, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind. We all know the old adage, 'you become what you think about most of the time'. (R W Emerson)
I'm convinced that by allowing Christ to transform our minds we can control both present and future circumstances; it’s the spirit of the mind. “ ... the spirit of the mind,” is that the character of Jesus Christ can be transformed in us. I have experienced this transformation especially these last few months; a peace and acceptance. "You will keep whoever's mind is steadfast in perfect peace, because he trusts in you", Isaiah 26:3, words very familiar to, and taken to heart by Paul.
More of Paul’s teaching is found in Ephesians chapter 4, the 23rd verse, “Be renewed in the spirit of your mind,” is nestled in between two other admonitions that happen to be in the past, the aorist tense. “Take off the old and put on the new,” — These words of Paul were written when he was well immersed in Chri st- his Christology was entering a fourth decade. Paul speaks from experience when he says, “take off the old nature” and begin the new life. I liken it to the Jungian theory of projection; the Holy Spirit projecting and empowering us to become more like Him. The only way we do that is one day at a time making the day, week, month and year ahead the best one yet.
I pray with Wilberforce:
For tomorrow and its needs,
I do not pray.
But keep me, guide me, love me, Lord,
Just for today.
And the answer to that prayer is the transformation of my nature into the nature of Christ.
Our SA doctrine declares that in Christ Jesus of Nazareth, there was the human dimension, and the divine, perfectly blended together in the incarnation. Paul in the 13th verse of this 4th chapter says that we can grow to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. An aging Saint said; 'Holiness can't be rushed', and to which I would add, 'I'm not what I was yesterday, and far short of what I seek to become in my tomorrows...'
Sven Ljungholm
Former officer active soldier
Exeter Temple Corps