Daily devotions


Prophesy - Part 2

One of the cadets sent this prophesy to us during a period of fasting. You can read part one here. (The picture is from Freefoto.com)

"I also see in my spirit a map of Latvia. I see God taking His children from different corners of Latvia, lighting their hearts, putting uniform on them and bringing them into the Army. I see how His lights are getting stronger, I see His children changing clothes. They are leaving their old ways of living. They are leaving all that is from a man and worldly and they put on the uniform. Uniform is important for them, because it is like a sign that they belong to Christ. They are separated from the world. A sign of Kingdom.

I see in the spirit how people how people, who have changed into uniform, respect it. They are not concerned about worldly things, they are ready to sacrifice all for Christ. The time of reward has come. I see the same map of Latvia and I see columns of people marching from one end of Latvia to the other. All people dressed in uniform. They are different than other people living on the earth and streams of grace are flowing from them. These columns of people are growing, the number of people is growing and they march on.

Latvia is like a tillage. The Army moves from one end of it to the other. Everyone is dressed in uniform and they hold a little flag in their hands. There is a one common flag or sign for all, and the little flags mean that everyone has their part in the bigger meaning/picture.

The Army is growing, it belongs to Christ. It is in His heart and He has planned special things for it. The time of reward has come. The Army is receiving what it has prayed for. It was tested, but it has withstood the test. It is the time of fruit and reward. Time of change. A new age for the whole Army."

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