Daily devotions


Headlines week 21

I'll Fight Congress
- Salvation Army UK - "The 2012 Territorial Congress at the Royal Albert Hall marks the 100th anniversary of The Salvation Army's founder, William Booth, making his famous "I'll Fight" speech. The speech marked a significant step in shaping the future of The Salvation Army's mission to tackle social injustice."

Indonesia Believers Cry Out to God in Historic Rally
Charisma News - "Indonesia's largest sporting arena became one big giant prayer house Thursday. The event was televised across the world's most populous Muslim country.
Christians began praying the moment they entered the stadium.
"Prayer can change everything in this nation, and that's why I came tonight with my family, believing for God to do the impossible," one woman said

8 Things to Keep in Mind in Regards to Conflict at Work/Church

Perry Noble in Christian Post - "Number 1 – Email DOES NOT WORK! (This would also apply to texting as well as any form of social media!)
When conflict use to arise with me and someone in the office I used to walk to my desk, log on to my computer and fire off an abusive email, several problems with this…
- It is the act of a coward, I would do this so that I would avoid a eye to eye conversation.
- It removes the fact that I am actually dealing with another person…if I type an email I don't have to look them in the eye and removing that obstacle allows me to say things to them through typing that I would NEVER say to them in person.
- It often drags out the conflict way longer that it should be.
- It can easily be misinterpreted, thus causing new conflicts....

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