Daily devotions


Christians See Parallels Between Rise Of Islamic Terrorism And End Times

- Prophesy News Watch -

"While there are differing versions about end-time eschatology, an overall increase in the belief we are living in the end-times shortly before the return of Jesus Christ coincides with the rise of ISIS and their attempt to bring in similar Islamic based prophesies regarding the end.

   Many have been lamenting President Obama’s ISIS strategy, saying they do not believe he has a plan to deal with the threat of terrorism, both here and abroad. This theme has played a major role in recent Republican debates as the candidates have all criticized the president for even refusing to use the term Islamic terrorism for fear of offending Muslims. However, many fail to realize the theological implications that motivate many in the Muslim world. This failure prevents our leaders from coming up with an adequate strategy to defeat an enemy motivated by religious fervor.

   ISIS, including the governments of Iran and other Muslim counties, believe they are commanded to fight against all non-Muslims, as well as those Muslims they consider apostate, until Jesus comes back to put down the anti-Christ. However, unlike Christians who believe that Jesus will come back to put all nations under his feet, they believe Jesus will submit to Allah."

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